01 July 2007

alice cooper - poison

Ooooooooookay, I'm back in the business :D.
I'm not even going to start telling you why I haven't blogged. But I'm back now and maybe I'll keep going for another couple of months before I take another break ;)

The choice of song is not random. July 1st (though four days ago) was the last concert day of the B'estival, an open air festival that promises to be held yearly in Bucharest. If it promises that, I promise to go, because I've had a really good time this year and enjoyed some really good performances. One of which belongs to shock-rocker grandpa Alice Cooper. That's right, the dude was painting his face and scaring over-concerned mums when the likes of Marylin Manson (with whom he shared the stage twice for a duet) and Slipknot were still peeing in their diapers.

So, this is the first song from the encore, one of the most looked forward to. Needless to say the crowd went hysterical (Oh, did I mention for the umpth time I had front row? And that I have one of Jason Hook's guitar picks?)

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