08 April 2007

pink - god is a dj

And here I am, accomplishing the wonderful feat of uniting the recent concert theme with the Eastery-religiousy thingie. Because Pink is one of the artists who will be present at the B'Estival this summer. Now when I first heard Pink I wasn't all that impressed. There was a more R'n'B feel to her first album and I am not particularly into that style. I saw, I noticed (hey, you're bound to notice pink hair in someone), I thought 'cute, but not my cup of tea' and moved on. However, her later efforts... well, that's another story. Rock and dance influence, a rebel attitude, a talent for telling unpleasant stuff straight forward and a I-don't-really-give-a-fuck motto made it for me, publicity stunt or no. So, to keep with the theme, here is God Is a DJ, a cheer-happy-go-lucky song. If God is a DJ, life is a dancefloor, love is a rhythm and you are the music...

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