10 February 2007

darren hayes - unlovable

Savage Garden are one of the bands whose birth I witnessed, so to say. There are bands I love that I have discovered, but with Savage... it's different. I have known them from their first single I Want You, I have bought their albums and awaited others. Then they broke up. Apparently lead singer Darren Hayes wanted to go on as is, while guitarist Daniel Jones wanted to shift the sound of the group more towards rock. I wouldn't have minded either, perhaps I would have welcomed a bit of both, but it did not come to pass.

I do not know what become of Daniel musically (he is running a label), but Darren has released a couple of solo albums, Spin (2002) and Tension and the Spark (2004) to moderate success, I'd say, though singles of the first one were quite some hits (namely Instatiable and Strange Relationship). Apparently a third album is in work. Tension and the Spark sounds more electronic, still there are tracks there that... well, what I've particularly loved about Savage Garden songs were the lyrics. There were twists of words and sense and direction, and metaphors and phrasings that I loved; there were feelings I could well retrace; and there was blunt and painful honesty. And I found all that again.

This song here is one of my favourites and lyric wise one of the most moving songs I know. It's just pretty much a straightforward cry of desperation put in song, but judge for yourselves. Oh, and I heartily recommend Darkness as well. I find it very... soothing, in an odd way.

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