15 February 2007

travis - side

Travis... oh, sweet memories :). Loved them ever since Writing to Reach You. Then a friend (cheers there!) made a copy of The Man Who (1999) for me. That convinced me. Afterwards I got the by then other two albums as well, Good Feeling (1997) and The Invisible Band (2001). Have I ever mentioned I love Scottish accent? Well, I do.

Anyways, another hard time picking up just one song from this, I find, awesome band. I thought I'd go with something more cheerful today... so I picked Side. It sounds rather upbeat. Once again, I'd like to draw your attention to the lyrics. They're the universal-truth-stating type ones.
That the grass is always greener on the other side, the neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive and when time is running out you wanna stay alive... We all live under the same sky, we all will live, we all will die; there is no wrong, there is no right, the circle only has one side

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