02 March 2007

bon jovi - always

Ok... there are several reasons why this band hasn't made an appearance earlier on. First I thought I'd post them under the label 'un-famous songs of famous bands' with the track Let's Make It, Baby. Thought I wouldn't find anything featuring the song on youtube. Eventually, I did but it was a distorted version. And amazingly enough it was nothing x-rated about it. Then I thought of posting Living in Sin, since it's a little known fave of mine. But then again... nope.

It just had to be Always. Because ultimately, this is the song that started everything for me. And by everything i mean... everything. Before this, the only songs I ever knew were the Lambada and Wind of Change (which I loved, and just goes to prove I'm the power-ballad-chick type).

It was in the winter of '94. I hated MTV (and mind you, back then it was good) and I hated rock, not because I had listened to anything, but because my brother did, too much, too loud and never allowing me near. Guess he wanted a private experience listening to his stuff, which I now understand but which at that time frustrated me. Then, a schoolfriend of mine asked me whether I had seen this particular video and 'what happens in the end? does she die?'. Errrr... I dunno. I have no idea what you are talking about. But I promised to look into it. So i did. I turned on the tv, and I turned on MTV and just waited for the song. This was a huge hit in Europe so I didn't have to wait long. Errrrrr... yup. Instant crush. On the song, on the band, on the singer... I did it all. I got the tape with the album, I got the posters, I got the band history, I got everything related... and I got started on a path of no return :) So, this is my homage then. Oh, today is Jon's birthday. What a happy coincidence :)

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