06 March 2007

die toten hosen - ich bin die sehnsucht in dir

Well, tough choice again. Die Toten Hosen are a German punk rock band. I first "met" them in high school (it was a german one i attended). They had a couple of songs I knew and loved. So when a colleague announced she had a tape with one of their albums, I was overjoyed. I borrowed the tape from her and made a copy. When I listened to the album, I was a bit disappointed, as I didn't particularly like what I heard (I was still under the impression mentioned before... rock is a loud noise-violence) and I deleted the entire tape, not only the songs that bothered me. I can't even remember which album it was, though it might have been Opium für's Volk.

Anyways... I rediscovered the band a couple of years ago, through a song sung in English, called Pushed Again (still one of my faves) and also remembered my other likings. I downloaded songs again and... hey, guess what, I like them again :) Again, I had no idea which particular song to choose. At one point, I wanted to go with the English one, but that isn't really what Die Toten Hosen is about. Lastly, when I was down to a choice of three, I based my choice on what youtube had to offer, so here is Ich bin die Sehnsucht in Dir (I Am the Longing in You).

Wir kennen uns ein Leben lang (We've known each other for a lifetime)
ich hab dich schon als Kind umarmt. (I've even hugged you as a child)
Ich hab mit dir die Jahre gezählt, (I've counted the years with you)
mit deinen Träumen habe ich gespielt. (With your dreams I have played)

Ich hab dir deine Wege gesucht, (I have looked up your ways for you)
ich bin dein Glück und ich bin dein Fluch, (I am your blessing and I am your curse)
hab dir fast den Verstand geraubt, (I have almost taken your minds)
du hast trotzdem an mich geglaubt. (Still you have believed in me)

Ich bin die Sehnsucht in dir. (I am the longing in you)

Immer wenn ich bei dir war, (Whenever I was with you)
hast du alles nur für mich getan. (You have done everything only for me)
Ich hab dich in die Irre geführt, (I have led you astray)
meine Versprechen waren so oft leer. (My promises were so often hollow)

Wegen mir hast du vor Wut geweint, (Because of me, you've cried in rage)
wegen mir hast du dich selbst zum Feind. (Because of me, you're your own enemy)
Es ist meine Schuld, du kannst nichts dafür. (It is my fault, nothing you can do)
Ich bin die Hoffnung und du stirbst mit mir. (I am the hope and you die with me)

Ich bin die Sehnsucht in dir. (I am the longing in you)
Ich bin die Sehnsucht und du stirbst mit mir. (I am the longing and you die with me)

Ich hab die Welt um dich gedreht, (I have turned the world around you)
stehl dir die Zeit, bin dein Tagedieb, (I steal your time, am the thief of your days)
war oft genug dein Alibi, (Was often enough your alibi)
was auch passiert, ich verlass dich nie. (Whatever happens, I'll never leave you)

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